Monday 9 October 2017

Astrofx Forex Handel

AstroFX - Forex Scam av Shaun Powell och Aman Natt från AstroForex-partners med Aleem Iqbal från Platinum Executive Travel Rental Cars Birmingham Efter att Shawn Powell och Aman Natt sålde mig på sin Forex-kurs i över 2000. Använda visar rikedomar som Luxury Watches and Expensive sportbilar som exempel på deras egen framgång. Jag upptäckte senare att klockorna som Shaun Powell och Aman Natt regelbundet sett på är falska och bilarna är uthyrning från Aman Natts vänner biluthyrningsverksamhet Aleem Iqbal av Platinum Executive Travel Rental Cars i Birmingham. Inte bara det, jag upptäcker senare att just nyligen bodde Shawn Lee Powell i ett 2 sovrums rådhus med sin mor och kontoret som de använder på Birminghams Broad Street-regering finansierade. Jag kan inte tro att jag betalade över 2000 för dessa två oupplösta killar, som i grund och botten är bedrägerier för att lära mig förexinformation som jag kan hitta gratis på Youtube. Jag tappar sin tid för Shaun Powell och Aman Natt och Aleem Iqbal för att skära och möta det faktum att klockorna är falska och bilarna hör till fars biluthyrningsverksamhet. Den här recensionen är ett subjektivt omdöme av en användare. Rapport Kommentar Privat meddelande författare Privat meddelande är endast tillgänglig för företagskonton. Du kan anspråk på detta företag som din och ansöka om våra gratis - eller plusslösningar. Privat meddelandehantering är endast tillgänglig för företagskonton. Du kan anspråk på detta företag som din och ansöka om våra gratis - eller plusslösningar. Anonym Jan 24 1275498 London, London, Storbritannien Dessa killar tog min 5.000 och lovade. Jag lär mig konsekvent att de har blockerat mig på skype efter att de lärde mig. Och de blåste mitt konto jag rekommenderar dem inte. Dessa killar tar dina pengar till egen fördel och använder den mot dig. Shaun speciellt svarar inte om jag behöver hjälp eller hjälp de blockerar mig på alla sina sociala medier så jag kunde inte visa hur mycket av ett BS-företag de är. Bilarna är uthyrning. Om du behöver en kurs skulle jag råda dig också att titta på YouTube-videor som är fria, de är mycket bättre att förklara och lär dig rätt utbildning, jag kunde inte få pengarna tillbaka när jag betalade banköverföring som var. Gör inte samma misstag som jag gjorde. Jag hoppas det hjälper dig. Dave Dec 08, 2016 1251959 Hayes, Hillingdon, Förenade kungariket lol kommentarer är dumma Anonym 27 nov 2016 1246368 Chon Buri, Chon Buri, Thailand Tyvärr är alla negativa rapporter om Astrofx sanna, de stal kursen från en damhandlare Shauns flickvän var inblandad i JA Wealth forex-bluff, de tog bort sina fruktansvärda handelsresultat från myfxbook, människor har förlorat mycket pengar, eftersom Shaun har blåst många handelskonton och lär sig fortfarande på demo själv. Bilarna är alla uthyrda, om du tittar på bolagets rekord, jobbar Shaun inte ens för Astrofx (de betalar förmodligen ingen skatter) de är kända i Birmingham som Forex demo boys eftersom de fortfarande inte kan göra konsekvent vinst. De är dock mycket bra på försäljningsställen och pratar med låginkomstfolk för att anmäla sig till statliga utbildade kurser, titta på alla de som tar kursen förex, de är främst svarta på låginkomst, dessa människor har förmåner och skattebetalaren betalar för kurserna. Verkliga handlare handel, de som inte kan, lära. Shaun och Aman har ingen klass att köra runt i en plastblå Maserati och kan inte handla så att de rippar människor istället eftersom det är ganska lätt att sälja kurser till personer som inte betalar för kursen och det är säkert lättare att sälja en kurs snarare än faktisk handel Fråga dig själv en fråga om de kunde handla, varför arent de handlar för sig själva och varför är de touring universiteter som säljer kurser Om jag kunde handla skulle jag vara hemma göra miljoner, inte lära sig pakis hur man ser en haussein mönster lol Trevlig en Shaun, hej till din. Missus, hur är det för barnet att det är retarderat som sin pappa Visa mer Anonym till Anonym Feb 24 1293268 Anonym Nov 12, 2016 1239689 Geel, Antwerpen, Belgien Kolla bara på deras handelsuppsättningar, deras TA. du vet redan sin nonsens. du kan få gratis gratis ändå. min gud ppl är dum och ger dessa killar pengar. Anonym Nov 05, 2016 1236938 Birmingham, Birmingham, Storbritannien Jag har handlat sedan 2008 så som du kan föreställa dig att jag har tagit upp en hel del kunskap och erfarenhet sedan dess. Efter att ha läst så många tvivelfulla recensioner om dessa till unga chaps trodde jag att jag skulle gå och kolla där ute. Nu för mig är några tusen inte mycket att förlora (inte bragging) men jag ville verkligen se om dessa killar var legit eller inte och om dessa recensioner visar en korrekt bild av dessa killar. För att sammanfatta dessa killar är bara vanliga killar och absolut inte professionella handlare som de gör ut att vara. de lär dig bara material (teknisk) som kan sura ut och sätta ihop från nätet. De lär helt enkelt grundläggande technicals som aldrig kommer att göra dig rik. De är också bra säljare som har ökat sitt varumärke genom de stora donationerna som gjorts av studenter som vill bli rika snabbt men som inte inser att killarna lär dem är inte professionella näringsidkare. Aman natt och Shaun är bara säljare som säljer en rik ordning genom att visa upp rikedom som de har gjort genom att sälja kurser och inte genom handel som de beskriver. Det är en businesscollege där du kommer att gå vägen utan en kvalifikation och lite grundläggande kunskaper om trading technicals. Fullständigt spill av tid och pengar. men en stor, rik ordning planeras av dessa unga killar så rättvist att spela för dem. nobel thomas till anonym jan 27 1277038 vilken kurs skulle du rekommendera Anonym 18 sep 2016 1214381 Birmingham, Birmingham, Storbritannien Vad de gör är enkelt. De främjar sig själva som topphandlare genom att visa framsteg där rikedom på instagramfacebook när denna rikedomartade livsstil har finansierat genom att undervisa den genomsnittliga Joe grunderna inom 2-3 dagar och ladda dem 3000 plus. Pengarna som finansieras där livsstil är från studenter och inte från dem som handlar marknaderna. I slutet av dagen är det en men det är lagligt eftersom det finns dårar där ute som skulle betala för att bli undervisad. De bilar de köper är faktiskt en investering för dem och de behandlar dem som affärsmässiga tillgångar, eftersom de lockar fler människor att tro att de är topphandlare när de verkligen inte är det. Där affärsmodell arbetar så rättvist för dem jag känner bara ledsen för alla muggar där ute lol forexCrusader 25 aug 2016 1203664 De är scammers. Tillräckliga saker pekar mot dem som ligger. De hade ett myfxbook-konto som de brukade visa sina affärer, gissa vad som hände. De tog bort det. Detta är i grund och botten den främsta anledningen till att bara veta att de är scammers som tjänar på att ge BS-lektioner. Tillräckligt bevis online på forum och chattar. Vänligen kontakta politiken för bedrägeribekämpning om du har bevis på att de är bluffade av dem: actionfraud. police. ukreport-a-fraudhow-to-report-a-fraud Mohammed till forexCrusader Dec 02, 2016 1248872 Ja, du har rätt att de tog bort all sin handel konton och en av dem hade 90 drawdown, vilket i grund och botten betyder att de riskerar ett marginalanrop från deras mäklare lol Kan du föreställa dig att betala pengar för att lära sig att handla från dåre som dessa par druggies från Birmingham myfxbookmembersastrofx13astrofx-10k-booster-c837223 Anonym maj 20 , 2016 1161989 topfx Scam Great Ocean HK Holdings - Forex Scam gohkh Scam Hittills är mannen bakom Voiptel International Keith Milhench också känd som Keith Millhouse redd-monitor. org20141022more-scams-sterling-and-bond-voiptel-international-and-velvet - assetscomment-2511032 Keith Milhench (det är hans riktiga namn) men han går under Keith Millhouse. Han har öppnat ett företag som heter Great Ocean HK Holdings Limited, Gohkh som säljer bluff Forex. Nu är det här ett bedrägeriföretag, vad skulle det bli. Keith Milhench vet också som Kieth Millhouse lämnade investerare i London och utomlands chockade när han gjorde en löpare med drygt 2 miljoner pund slutade betala det återvänder och hördes aldrig igen. Han arbetar för närvarande med ett företag som heter topfx. Vi ringde topfx och en härlig dam berättade för oss att Keith Millhouse som han är känd för dem bor i Limassol Cypern. Och vi borde kontakta hans hemsida om vi behöver få tag på honom. Vi undersöker vidare för att fånga Milhench. Bob till Anonym Dec 02, 2016 1248873 Tänk dig postat i fel avsnittskompis, det här är avsnittet om de två scammersna Aman Natt och Shaun Lee Powell från Astro FX Birmingham England. Anonym Mar 25, 2016 1133794 Shaun Amnat är inte de människor du vill arbeta med sina attityder är hemska och de är dåliga på att komma tillbaka till dig. Amnat hade uppriktigheten att ropa på min mamma när hon var artigt förklara för dem varför hon aldrig ringde tillbaka efter 3 veckor. Id råd du att lära av någon annan killar allting här som folk säger om dem är 90 sanna. Det är inte ens FCA reglerat så de borde inte lära dig det här i första hand. brian214 04 mars, 2016 1122043 Kanske är det dags för några REAL, BACKED UP RESPONS för ASTROFX. Här är många av de verifierade recensionerna från äkta AstroFx-studenter. Reviews. co. uk handlar bara om REAL kunder genom att matcha fakturanummer, adresser och mycket mer. INTE genom att helt enkelt skriva i en låda på en online-konsumentwebbplats. Det är dags att alla förlorare som lägger skräp om dessa killar tar ett steg tillbaka, eftersom dessa killar hjälper människor över hela världen på marknaden med sina betalade och 90 GRATIS marknadsanalys av innehåll och mycket mer. Alla reella recensioner kan hittas genom att klicka på länken nedan. reviews. co. ukcompany-reviewsstoreastrofx Anonymous till brian214 04 april, 2016 1138993 Brian du vet att du kan fakturera för någon och tilldela dem till någon annan. Så det betyder fortfarande inte att de är riktiga kunder, det visar ingenting alls. Människor är så älskvärda det är otroligt. Om dessa killar var topphandlare skulle de inte ha tid att lära någon som de skulle göra en död utan att behöva ladda människor 3000. VAKA UPP Människor vaknar Brian är mer än troligt Aman eller Shaun ändå. Anonym Feb 29, 2016 1119656 Shaun Lee Powell och Aman Natt är två scamming individer med narcissistisk personlighetsstörning, vars grandiosity sträcker sig till sådana höjder att de är manipulerande och lätt ilska, särskilt när de inte får den uppmärksamhet som de anser vara deras första rättighet. De överskattar sina förmågor och har ett alltför stort behov av beundran och bekräftelse. Anonym till Anonym Feb 29, 2016 1119731 Vi har en post i huset. hur länge tog det sig att öva. sadistisk Anonym Feb 22, 2016 1115788 Hej killar har du sett den här jltrader20150412do-du-vet-som-din-forex-handelslärare-är Shaun 21 feb 2016 1115341 Shenae remirez, flickvännen till Shaun Lee Powell var en del av JA Rikedom bluff: postimg. orgimagep8d06js57full Anonym Feb 17, 2016 1113263 Dessa kommentarer är snygga, jag säger dig. Det är galet hur folk ska betala för något och när de inte producerar de resultat de kan, börjar de skylla vem de köpte den från. Det här är ren komedi. Astro FX teknisk analys är odjuret och deras kartläggningar är felfria och detaljerade på många sätt. Period. Du kommer inte skörda vad du sår om du inte sår. Stor kommentar Vill du konvertera den till granskning Du kommer att kunna redigera texten innan du publicerar. Konvertera till översyn Lämna som kommentar Du kanske också gillar WFG-agenter trick och fuskar dig. Då rekryterar du dig och lär dig hur du lurar och lurar andra människor. Allvarligt killar. Det är hur det går dit. Varför gör jag? Se bifogad kartsidan från en Transamerica Financial Foundation Indexed Universal Life (FFIUL) policy. En Kalifornien WFG-agent sålde denna policy till en kund tidigare i år. Trans. Inte nöjd med att fuska hundratals expats ut ur sina intjänade pensionspengar genom att lova högavkastande falska investeringar, De Vere är en världsklass skömmer av intet ont anande nya finansiella konsultrekryter. Learntotrade forex trading astrofx Idag är våra tankar med de personer som inte kunde tappa tanken på att gå ut ur sängen för att dra sig till ett jobb de HATAR Det är 2016 om du inte har fattat beslutet att investera i dig själv då tiden är NU Det är första måndagen i det nya året, marknaderna. Idag är våra tankar med de individer som inte kunde tappa tanken på att gå ut ur sängen för att dra sig till ett jobb de HATAR Det är 2016, om du inte har fattat beslutet att investera i dig själv då är tiden nu är den första måndagen i det nya året, marknaderna är öppna amp pips flyger Efter en vansinnigt upptagen 2015, idag har vi vår första student i 2016 får sin grundläggande utbildning med Astrofx laget. Sam har tidigare erfarenheter av scalping och binära alternativ, som tyvärr en stor majoritet av näringsidkare faller offer för. Idag är det bara den första dagen vi programmerar honom på handelsmetoder och stilar samt att fördjupa sig djupare i psykologin bakom handel med alla misstag och fällor i världen av FX Imorgon börjar vi med TEKNISKA Aka VAR MAGIC HAPPENS Vi tar nu bokningar för 2016, E-mail email160skyddad eller besök astrofxc LETS GET TRADING - Fx Forex Trading Teknisk analys Astrofx Learntotrade Diagram Studenter Investeringar Yourlife Idag är våra tankar med de individer som inte kunde tappa tanken på att gå ut ur sängen för att dra sig till ett jobb de HATAR Det är 2016, om du inte har fattat beslutet att investera i dig själv då är tiden nu NU Det är första måndagen av det nya året är marknaderna öppna. Idag är våra tankar med de individer som inte kunde tappa tanken på att gå ut ur sängen för att dra sig till ett jobb de HATAR Det är 2016, om du inte har fattat beslutet att investera i dig själv då är tiden nu är den första måndagen i det nya året, marknaderna är öppna amp pips flyger Efter en vansinnigt upptagen 2015, idag har vi vår första student i 2016 får sin grundläggande utbildning med Astrofx laget. Sam har tidigare erfarenheter av scalping och binära alternativ, som tyvärr en stor majoritet av näringsidkare faller offer för. Idag är det bara den första dagen vi programmerar honom på handelsmetoder och stilar samt att fördjupa sig djupare i psykologin bakom handel med alla misstag och fällor i världen av FX Imorgon börjar vi med TEKNISKA Aka VAR MAGIC HAPPENS Vi tar nu bokningar för 2016, E-post email160skyddad eller besök astrofxc LETS GET TRADING - Fx Forex Trading Teknisk analys Astrofx Learntotrade Diagram Studenter Investeringar Ditt liv GBPUSD CATCHUP Hoppas alla hade en bra xmas. Ganska förvånad med viss marknadsrörelse, särskilt sterling. För ungefär en vecka sedan publicerades min senaste GBPUSD-analys. Ett bearish sentiment kopplat till en specificerad målprojektion på: 1.4750 Så länge som priset. GBPUSD CATCHUP Hoppas alla hade en bra xmas. Ganska förvånad med viss marknadsrörelse, särskilt sterling. För ungefär en vecka sedan publicerades min senaste GBPUSD-analys. Ett baisse-sentiment kopplat till en specificerad målprojektion på: 1.4750 Så länge som priset förblir under det stora RES-före detta Supp: 1.5000 då finns inga specifika uppgifter för att ta en lång post. 100 PIPS vidare (Om målet uppnås) kommer jag att gå tillbaka för att vänta på P. A för att signalera en studsa eller en paus (lägre). kanske till FIB förlängning 2. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis diagram Fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinst finansiering financialfreedom Fånga upp med studenter som löper genom sina handels tidskrifter. Varje näringsidkare, särskilt en nybörjare, behöver en Forex tradingplan för att stärka sin handelsstrategi och skapa en guide som de kan använda för att handla. Det är omöjligt att få din plan i ditt huvud, du måste. Fånga upp med studenter som går igenom sina handelsblad. Varje näringsidkare, särskilt en nybörjare, behöver en Forex tradingplan för att stärka sin handelsstrategi och skapa en guide som de kan använda för att handla. Det är omöjligt att få din plan i ditt huvud, du måste fysiskt skriva ut det och följa det varje dag du handlar. Detta kommer inte bara hålla dig på rätt spår och avskräcka från att göra misstag, men samtidigt skapar du en portfölj av dina affärer, som du kan granska och utvärdera vad du gör bra och vad du kan förbättra på så att du kontinuerligt fortskrider. Håll dig till en strategi och leva av den. Bra att se framstegen hos våra brittiska och icke-brittiska studenter. foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartläggningar fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinst finansiering financialfreedom learnforex prissättning forextrading Astrofx Några juice och EURO Kanske början på en haussead februari Har en bra helg alla. Förbättra avslappnad Forex Juicing AstroFx handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartor fibonacci education learntotrade. Några juice och EURO Kanske början på en haussefris februari Har en bra helg alla. Förbättra avslappnad Forex Juicing AstroFx handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartläggningar fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinstfinansiering financialfreedom forextrading Ett stort tack till alla som har tittat och stöttat vår senaste YouTube-video På mindre än 24 timmar har vi fått nästan 1000 visningar. Vi är stolta över att ha tagit något som kan tyckas så svårt att förstå och bryta ner det för att ni ska förstå och njuta av Fler videor. Ett stort tack till alla som har tittat och stöttat vår senaste YouTube-video På mindre än 24 timmar har vi fått nästan 1000 visningar. Vi är stolta över att ha tagit något som kan tyckas så svårt att förstå och bryta ner det för att ni ska förstå och njuta. Fler videor kommer snart. Länken finns i bioen om du inte har tittat på det. Gilla Dela Amp Enjoy Snapchats Amannatt SpFX13 Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade En av våra favorit brittiska studenter bland många dollery24 banker dem pips i morse Jon kom en väldigt lång väg på några få månader stor arbetsetik och uthållighet - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analys analytiker technicalanalysis. En av våra favorit brittiska studenter bland många dollery24 banker dom pips denna morgon Jon kom väldigt långt på några få månader med stor arbetsetik och uthållighet - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handelshandel näringsanalysanalytiker technicalanalysis utbildning learningtotrade KillinemJon Briljant råd från en av våra favoritstudenter macstaypippin. Stor känsla när inte bara technicals behärskas på marknaden utan också tankegången. Läs, förstå och tillämpa .- Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handelstransaktion analytiker analytiker analytiker. Strålande råd från en av våra favoritstudenter macstaypippin. Stor känsla när inte bara de tekniska sakkunniga behärskas på marknaden utan också tankegången. Läs, förstå och tillämpa .- Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartor fibonacci utbildning learntotrade Det är en throwback En motiverad individ på min snapchat skickade sig att titta på den här videon så vi tyckte det skulle vara bra att omdela det med er. Det är galet hur vi glömmer bort dessa videoklipp ibland Från början av vår forex-satsning strävar vi efter att omdefiniera riken för forexutbildning. It039s throwback En motiverad person på min snapchat skickade sig att titta på den här videon så vi trodde att det skulle vara bra att omdela det med er. It039 är galet hur vi glömmer bort dessa videor ibland Från början av vår forex-satsning strävar vi efter att omdefiniera forexutbildningens rike och bli mentorer som inte bara kan prata pratstundet, men gå på promenad. I den här verksamheten är det för damn lätt för en näringsidkare att visa världen ett demokonto och gömma verkligheten av sina förmågor. Vi ville vara den första som skulle ändra den här Astrofx var den första som skapade veckovisa YouTube-videor, som snart kommer tillbaka Vi var de första som förklara vad myfxbook är och att ha visat 2-3 riktiga konton på den. Och här är det Videon vi skickade för att visa 100 av vår handelshistoria: vi förstärker förlusterna Vi förklarar hur man ser ett riktigt konto från en falsk, allt du behöver veta. Länken för den här videon finns i vår BIO, så kolla in det eftersom det är en trevlig 27 000 vinst i september. Om du tittar på vår kanal har vi 2-3 videoklipp som visar levande vinster och handelsuppdateringar. Sedan dess har vi velat hålla sakerna lite diskreta, eftersom du kan tänka dig att visa världen av sociala medier, din ekonomi var inte det bästa beslutet. Det har dock medfört många minnen och vi lovar att dela med sig av mer motiverande videor så här i nästa några månader GÅ KONTROLLERA DET - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handelstransaktion näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinst finansiering financialfreedom NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO ALERT. Astrofx hjälper till att svara på en av de mest populära frågorna inom forex och handelsmarknaden. Hur mycket kan jag göra. Vi bryter ner den genomsnittliga näringsidkarens perspektiv och jämför den med en riktig investeringspsykologi och sinneram. Denna metod har hittills bara varit. NY YOUTUBE VIDEO ALERT. Astrofx hjälper till att svara på en av de mest populära frågorna inom Forex och handelsmarknaden quotHow mycket kan jag makequot. Vi bryter ner den genomsnittliga näringsidkarens perspektiv och jämför den med en riktig investeringspsykologi och sinneram. Denna metod har hittills endast varit för Astrofx-studenter. men nu är det där ute för dig gratis. MÅSTE TITTA. kolla in det nu. - länk i bio Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade youtube Video Gratis Hur gör Astrofx-studenterna Shoutout till jackybmyatt för att vara trending som en av de främsta författarna i handelsvyn. Astrofx Army - Astrofx Forex FX Foreignexchange Handel Handel Trader Analys Analyst Technical Analysis Grundläggande analys diagrammar fibonacci. Hur gör Astrofx-studenterna Shoutout till jackybmyatt för att vara trending som en av de främsta författarna i handelsvyn. Astrofx-armén - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handelstransaktion näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinstfinansiering financialfreedom När 2015 kommer till slut vill vi säga ett stort tack till alla studenter som har investerat i sig själva och Astrofx Vi är stolt att säga att vi har varit oerhört upptagna och bokade med studenter under hela året. Studenter har rest från alla delar av Storbritannien och även från. När 2015 slutar vill vi säga ett stort tack till alla studenter som har investerat i sig själva och Astrofx Vi är stolta att säga att vi har varit oerhört upptagna och bokade med studenter under hela året. Studenter har rest från alla delar av Storbritannien och även från hela världen, så att de kan komma till Astrofx-kontoret för att få ett försprång när de övervinner valutamarknaden. Det har varit ett nöje att undervisa universitetsstuderande till heltidsarbetare till jämnare affärsmän och vi önskar dem all lycka till. Det här är sista kursen i 2015 med januari 2016 att bokas upp ganska snabbt. Vi är glada att presentera många nya saker under det närmaste året och vi kan inte vänta med att dela dem alla med dig. Vi hoppas alla har en bra jul. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handelshandel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learningtotrade pips vinstfinansiering financialfreedom One av de största misstag som vi gjorde när vi försökte lära oss att handla tog råd från någon och trodde att det var bra råd. Du tänker själv om du vill öppna en restaurang, skulle du lära dig av en person som äger en lyckad restaurang eller från killen som pratar. En av de största misstag som vi gjorde när vi försökte lära oss att handla var att ta råd från någon och tro att det var bra råd. Du tänker själv om du vill öppna en restaurang, skulle du lära av en individ som äger en lyckad restaurang eller från killen som talar om att äga en dag. Om du vill lära dig att flyga en helikopter, skulle du lära av de som sitter och tänker en dag eller en kvalificerad pilot Här på Astrofx blev vi offer för samma misstag, vi trodde att några råd är bra råd och vi kan inte betona hur fel det här. Denna mentalitet kan och kommer att hålla en näringsidkare tillbaka i månader om inte år eftersom de kommer att anpassa sig till felaktiga handelsmetoder. Trots att vi började handla åtta år sedan började vi bara hjälpa andra handlare för två år sedan. Vi visste att vi var i stånd att många individer vill vara i bilarna, semestern, den livsstil vi arbetade för för att visa andra att det är möjligt. Men om du får råd från att vara handlare eller från dem som tyvärr inte har två cent till deras namn, är det oundvikligt att du kommer att misslyckas. Kvaliteten på den utbildning du får är av yttersta vikt. Det handlar inte om priset, som skriker högst eller mest. Tack Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis diagrammer learntotrade pips Letswork Bitoffun Andra congrats och bra gjort av dagen Den här gången till dollery24 en brittisk student. Jon har blivit en bra vän till laget med det belopp han har hållit kontakten och hållit oss informerade om hans framsteg. Var snällt att se honom tala öppet om sin handel på studentdagen för några veckor sedan Han handlar nu. Andra grattis och bra gjort av dagen Den här gången till dollery24 en brittisk student. Jon har blivit en bra vän till laget med det belopp han har hållit kontakten och hållit oss informerade om hans framsteg. Var snällt att se honom tala öppet om sin handel på studentdagen för några veckor sedan. Han handlar nu med 87 näringslivets noggrannhet. Med krossa 5 tillväxt ibland från bara en handel. E-post email160skyddad för att ansluta sig till AstroFX-communityen Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis diagrammer learntotrade pips Letswork Freedom Workfromanywhere dollery24 En annan Astrofx-student som kom, lärde sig och nu tillämpar. Anslut alla handelsstycken, anslut LIFE. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning. dollery24 En annan Astrofx-student som kom, lärde sig och tillämpar nu. Anslut alla handelsstycken, anslut LIFE. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinst finansiering financialfreedom Repost amannatt Definitivt en av de mest kontroversiella videon Ive gjort hittills Över 2000 visningar över natten Vad inspirerade mig att göra denna video var mängden nya människor till handelsvärlden som har olika idéer och övertygelser Jag själv för 7 år sedan kom till marknadstänkandet. Repost amannatt Definitivt en av de mest kontroversiella videon I039ve gjort hittills Över 2000 visningar över natten Vad inspirerade mig att göra den här videon var antalet nya människor till handelsvärlden som har olika idéer och övertygelser jag själv för 7 år sedan kom till marknadstänkande med rätt kunskap och skicklighet, jag vänder mig 2000 till 200 000 och då förstås 2 miljoner. Så livet fungerade verkligen inte så och jag slutade med att gå i kretsar under en längre tid Tjäna pengar och förlora det om och om igen. Mitt mål var bara att aldrig gå tillbaka till att arbeta för någon annan i 9-5 livet. Allt jag ville var att kunna leva gratis, ekonomiskt och mentalt. Många år i tillväxt senare började jag se marknaden annorlunda än vad jag hade blivit matad av filmförstärkare sociala medier etc. Jag började tänka på handel som en affär och investering, istället för att försöka göra någon orealistisk och hjärtattack om jag försöker och bara strävar efter att göra i genomsnitt 5-15 per månad. Plötsligt inom några månader kunde jag ta min vinst ur marknaden och börja leva livet Efter några bra veckor eller månad av handel kunde jag ta mitt jobb och njuta av det. Den psykologen är det bara att kunna handla när jag gillar och njuter av vinsten regelbundet och när jag gillar har det gjort mig möjligt att leva med frihet. Karriär - Fulltid näringsidkare. Ta min 5-10 i månaden, dra tillbaka och upprepa. Alla förklaras i denna del 1 Video. Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartor fibonacci utbildning learntotrade youtube Video Gratis Repost Astroforex AstroFX - 2 år stark på Instagram 40.000 Instagram följare senare. Tack - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis diagrams fibonacci education learningtotrade. Repost astroforex AstroFX - 2 år stark på Instagram amp 40.000 Instagram följare senare. Tack - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinst finansiering Astrofx Tack Repost astroforex AstroFX - 2 år stark på Instagram 40.000 Instagram följare senare. Tack - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis diagrams fibonacci education learningtotrade. Repost astroforex AstroFX - 2 år stark på Instagram amp 40.000 Instagram följare senare. Tack - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis kartläggningar fibonacci utbildning learntotrade pips vinstfinansiering Astrofx Tack förutom att ha över 30 testimonials från våra studenter med sina ansikten på vår hemsida har vi just bestämt oss för att ta nästa steg för dem som vill bli en del av Astrofx-samhället och vill veta de erfarenheter våra studenter har haft med oss. Genom att använda Review. co. uk var vi. Förutom att ha över 30 omdömen från våra studenter med sina ansikten på vår hemsida har vi just beslutat att ta nästa steg för dem som vill bli en del av Astrofx-samhället och vill veta de erfarenheter våra studenter har haft med oss . Genom att använda Review. co. uk kunde vi verifiera våra studentrecensioner med hjälp av faktura e-postmeddelanden ENDAST Vi har nu lagt till ytterligare 40 recensioner från studenter från Storbritannien och över hela världen. Ta reda på vad de ska säga, deras erfarenheter och feedback. Vi var i genomsnitt 4,8 av 5. Inte dåligt hej Så när någon frågar AstroFx rykte, vet vi bara att vi har verifierat recensioner samt testimonialer i motsats till åsikter från individer som inte hör hemma till vårt samhälle. Besök vår hemsida och kolla in dem själv Astrofxc Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange handel handel näringsidkare analysanalytiker technicalanalysis diagrammer learntotrade pips Letswork Hoppas alla hade en bra helg men nu är det tillbaka till BATTLEZONE. Which means members videos for our students to be prepared and focused We have just posted 4 new breakdown videos on the following AUDUSD GBPUSD EURJPY EURUSD Each video highlighting the updated key levels and. Hope everyone had a great weekend but now its back to the BATTLEZONE Which means members videos for our students to be prepared and focused We have just posted 4 new breakdown videos on the following AUDUSD GBPUSD EURJPY EURUSD Each video highlighting the updated key levels and possible trade setups Break or bounces we are GOOD These videos are only for Astrofx students and website access is not sold seperatly before we receive many emails. Email email160protected to join the AstroFX community Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Hongkong Workfromanywhere Definitly one of the most controversial videos Ive made so far Over 2,000 views over night What inspired me to make this video was the amount of new people to the world of trading who have different ideas and beliefs I myself 7 years ago came to the market thinking with the correct knowledge. Definitly one of the most controversial videos I039ve made so far Over 2,000 views over night What inspired me to make this video was the amount of new people to the world of trading who have different ideas and beliefs I myself 7 years ago came to the market thinking with the correct knowledge and skill l will turn my 2,000 into 200,000 and then of course 2million. So life didn039t really work out like that and i ended up going in circles for a long time Making money and losing it again and again. My goal was just to never go back to working for somebody else in the 9-5 life. All i wanted was to be able to live free, financially and mentally. Many years in growth later i started to see the market differently to what i had been fed by movies amp social media etc. I began to think of trading like a business and investment, instead of trying to make some unrealistic and heart attack trading how about if i try and just aim to make on average 5-15 a month. Suddenly within a few months i was able to take my profits out of the market and start living life After any good weeks or month of trading i could take my hard work and enjoy. That psychology just the there of being able to trade when i like and enjoy the profits regular and when i like has enabled me for years to live with FREEDOM. Career - Full time trader. Take my 5-10 a month, withdraw and repeat. All explained in this part 1 Video. Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade youtube Video Free After just two years we have decided to update the Astrofx Guidebook. Just today copies of this essential trading bible have now been distributed to the United States, South Africa and Australia Email email160protected to get yours astroforex - Astrofx swingtrader forex. After just two years we have decided to update the Astrofx Guidebook. Just today copies of this essential trading bible have now been distributed to the United States, South Africa and Australia Email email160protected to get yours astroforex - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Today is the final day with the newest member of the Astrofx Army, Bal Bal had the choice to fly to Vegas with his buddies or to partake in our course. Guess which he chose. He is the perfect example of how you should move with purpose and choose to invest your time in the things which will allow. Today is the final day with the newest member of the Astrofx Army, Bal Bal had the choice to fly to Vegas with his buddies or to partake in our course. Guess which he chose. He is the perfect example of how you should move with purpose and choose to invest your time in the things which will allow you to achieve your vision Bal is a practising dentist who showed a passion for trading. From just hours infront of a chart we were able to display how he can take apart any currency pair, to find key levels, trendlines and to interpret candle sticksMuch more. Great guy, great conversation and great chart work Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Today is the final day with the newest member of the Astrofx Army, Bal Bal had the choice to fly to Vegas with his buddies or to partake in our course. Guess which he chose. He is the perfect example of how you should move with purpose and choose to invest your time in the things which will allow. Today is the final day with the newest member of the Astrofx Army, Bal Bal had the choice to fly to Vegas with his buddies or to partake in our course. Guess which he chose. He is the perfect example of how you should move with purpose and choose to invest your time in the things which will allow you to achieve your vision Bal is a practising dentist who showed a passion for trading. From just hours infront of a chart we were able to display how he can take apart any currency pair, to find key levels, trendlines and to interpret candle sticksMuch more. Great guy, great conversation and great chart work Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Big CONGRATULATIONS to Farhan from Chicago, U. S for his EPIC growth and profits Prior to taking the course Farhan had been trading for many years, however he was failing to achieve consistency within the market. So when we flew out to New York we dedicated one day to him, during which time. Big CONGRATULATIONS to Farhan from Chicago, U. S for his EPIC growth and profits Prior to taking the course Farhan had been trading for many years, however he was failing to achieve consistency within the market. So when we flew out to New York we dedicated one day to him, during which time we sat him down and went through the mistakes and traps which were preventing Farhan to become a successful trader These are the very same mistakes which 90 of traders fall into, from attempting to compound their account to sitting for hours in front of a screen incessantly trying to trade far too many currency pairs, all the whilst using incorrect analysis methods, figuring out where you have gone wrong After just one day we were able to refresh his outlook on the market and his form of analysis breaking it down from top to bottom in order to assist him in formulating a plan that works for HIM We have posted about Farhan a good 4-5 times before but we cannot express how pleased we are that since joining us around 1 year amp 5 months ago he has shown BRILLIANT trade set ups as you can see from his catch up email below. We provide ALL the tools, the tips and the playbook, however the execution is down to the TRADER Email email160protected to join the AstroFX community Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Hongkong Workfromanywhere Just finished another fantastic Skype lesson with an international student Steve based in California He managed to pick up excellent technicals and chart set ups from both our Astrofx guide and the tons of videos in our online members section We spent nearly 40minutes going through. Just finished another fantastic Skype lesson with an international student Steve based in California He managed to pick up excellent technicals and chart set ups from both our Astrofx guide and the tons of videos in our online members section We spent nearly 40minutes going through his two months work, his trading journals and his before and after analysis. He finished his first month up over 400pips He then faced some challenges with risk which we were today able to help and explain along with everything else. To become a student fire over an email to email160protected Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Noquit After just two years we have decided to update the Astrofx Guidebook. Just today copies of this essential trading bible have now been distributed to the United States, South Africa and Australia Email email160protected to get yours astroforex - Astrofx swingtrader forex. After just two years we have decided to update the Astrofx Guidebook. Just today copies of this essential trading bible have now been distributed to the United States, South Africa and Australia Email email160protected to get yours astroforex - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade In the Astrofx Trading HQ TODAY We have two students from DUBAI CANADA. Both fantastic guys who are fairly new to the technicals. We have had a great two days so far discussing the market, breaking it down sharing knowledge and experience across everything. We have one more day with. In the Astrofx Trading HQ TODAY We have two students from DUBAI amp CANADA . Both fantastic guys who are fairly new to the technicals. We have had a great two days so far discussing the market, breaking it down amp sharing knowledge and experience across everything. We have one more day with to complete their course followed by 6 MONTHS of after care Might even have to fly out to visit these two soon Stay tuned Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade AstroFX - 2years strong on Instagram 40,000 Instagram followers later. Thank you - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit. AstroFX - 2years strong on Instagram amp 40,000 Instagram followers later. Thank you - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Astrofx Thanks Always a great feeling when students travel from across the globe to learn the art of technical analysis from AstroFx. Once we had finished up with the course we decided to take them out Had a great time with not just students but good friends We dont see it as courses we see it as sharing. Always a great feeling when students travel from across the globe to learn the art of technical analysis from AstroFx. Once we had finished up with the course we decided to take them out Had a great time with not just students but good friends We don039t see it as courses we see it as sharing knowledge and experience to help build some of the best traders . Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade One of our international students wengjeff snap-chatted us himself enjoying our members zone We are always making improvements to our services and recently we added over 5 hours of technical videos which go hand in hand with our Astrofx GuideBook Not to mention our weekly market. One of our international students wengjeff snap-chatted us himself enjoying our members zone We are always making improvements to our services and recently we added over 5 hours of technical videos which go hand in hand with our Astrofx GuideBook Not to mention our weekly market breakdown videos, which we will be adding tomorrow Students ENJOY. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Always love viewing some of our past Vlogs Good to look back at memories, improvements and motivation Here is 7Days In London Vlog which is on our YouTube channel Astrofx. Its Sunday morning that means we have one more day before the week begins Use it wisely Astrofx. Always love viewing some of our past Vlogs Good to look back at memories, improvements and motivation Here is quot7Days In Londonquot Vlog which is on our YouTube channel quotAstrofxquot. It039s Sunday morning that means we have one more day before the week begins Use it wisely Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade London Youtube Vlog Dont forget AstroFx twitter handle: AstroFx13Pro These are old posts of GBPUSD USDCAD which smashed through the respective target points. Wishing Everybody a great week Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis. Don039t forget AstroFx twitter handle: AstroFx13Pro These are old posts of GBPUSD USDCAD which smashed through the respective target points. Wishing Everybody a great week Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom When Astrofx land in HongKong. Team Blue Is Out . Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips HongKong When Astrofx land in HongKong. Team Blue Is Out . . Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips HongKong Breaking down Candlesticks with todays two students in the Astrofx office Candlesticks are the purest form of price action, providing a visual picture of the occurrences within the market. Although the signals on a candle chart are the equivalent to those of a bar chart, candle charts. Breaking down Candlesticks with todays two students in the Astrofx office Candlesticks are the purest form of price action, providing a visual picture of the occurrences within the market. Although the signals on a candle chart are the equivalent to those of a bar chart, candle charts hold much more reliability and are able to visually align your thoughts. Did you know that it is scientifically proven that visual aids enhance your understanding Furthermore, under no circumstances will indicators increase the reliability of candles nor are they comparable to candles, which deliver visual confirmation signals of support and resistance. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere AstroForex Just finished uploading their latest video and it is undoubtedly one of our BEST In this video we decided to tackle a crucial topic, which many individuals find difficult to grasp: The Monetary System The Federal Reserve. Its insane that the majority of the population. AstroForex Just finished uploading their latest video and it is undoubtedly one of our BEST In this video we decided to tackle a crucial topic, which many individuals find difficult to grasp: The Monetary System amp The Federal Reserve. It039s insane that the majority of the population are unaware of how money in the world is issued and why interest rates go up or down. In any economy these important factors change the price of your living, your spending and even the house that you live in now - VIDEO IS UP Check it out. Youtube Channel - Astrofx---- Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks thefederalreserve - Trading is a constant battle between skill, focus and your inner demons. Your inner demons can be finances, greed, fear and many other emotions. First you must control your mind to get results externally. Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or. Trading is a constant battle between skill, focus and your inner demons. Your inner demons can be finances, greed, fear and many other emotions. First you must control your mind to get results externally. Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom. Inner peace eventually, leads to external peace. By creating peace in your inner world, in your mind, you bring it into your external world, and into other people039s lives. Take time to find the things that create happiness, peace and relaxation in your life. For those are the keys of short term and long term success. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Hongkong Workfromanywhere Recently asked for some feedback regarding out NON-UK students Always good to hear back from them after they have had some time to absorb the informations and apply it to see he difference Astrofx Art of technical analysis has made Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange. Recently asked for some feedback regarding out NON-UK students Always good to hear back from them after they have had some time to absorb the informations and apply it to see he difference Astrofx quotArt of technical analysis has madequot Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade InternationalStudents Time away from the charts, party with wiz Khalifa and Kanye west in Philippines Make Pips, Spend it living the life you deserve Repeat. - Astrofx Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade. Time away from the charts, party with wiz Khalifa and Kanye west in Philippines Make Pips, Spend it living the life you deserve amp Repeat. - Astrofx Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Do we have any Astrofx fans in HongKong . See you Thursday Hopefully making the best Vlogs and videos for you guys - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Trade2Travel Do we have any Astrofx fans in HongKong . See you Thursday Hopefully making the best Vlogs and videos for you guys - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Trade2Travel Recently asked for some feedback regarding out NON-UK students Always good to hear back from them after they have had some time to absorb the informations and apply it to see he difference Astrofx Art of technical analysis has made Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange. Recently asked for some feedback regarding out NON-UK students Always good to hear back from them after they have had some time to absorb the informations and apply it to see he difference Astrofx quotArt of technical analysis has madequot Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Noquit To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted. - New Vlog Is LIVE. YouTube - Astrofx (Link In Bio) Astrofx forex. quotTo my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted. quot - New Vlog Is LIVE. YouTube - Astrofx (Link In Bio) Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Hongkong Workfromanywhere Always love viewing some of our past Vlogs Good to look back at memories, improvements and motivation Here is 7Days In London Vlog which is on our YouTube channel Astrofx. Its Sunday morning that means we have one more day before the week begins Use it wisely Astrofx. Always love viewing some of our past Vlogs Good to look back at memories, improvements and motivation Here is quot7Days In Londonquot Vlog which is on our YouTube channel quotAstrofxquot. It039s Sunday morning that means we have one more day before the week begins Use it wisely Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade London Youtube Vlog We are absolutely overjoyed with the great comments and feedback on the new Astrofx Video In just less than 3 days we have almost had 3,000 views. The aim for this video was to motivate and inspire people to make their dreams come alive, enjoy life and to continue grinding for bigger and better. We are absolutely overjoyed with the great comments and feedback on the new Astrofx Video In just less than 3 days we have almost had 3,000 views. The aim for this video was to motivate and inspire people to make their dreams come alive, enjoy life and to continue grinding for bigger and better things The video is 3minutes long and from viewing our youtube stats the average person has watched it THREE times OVER IF you haven039t already, make sure you check it out as it is one not to miss - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom learnforex priceaction forextrading The Astrofx whiteboard after sharing knowledge with our new students .- Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance. The Astrofx whiteboard after sharing knowledge with our new students .- Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom learnforex priceaction forextrading Sorry for any problems anybody encountered watching our latest Vlog Due to some copyright of music you MUST watch it on your laptopdesktop, having issues with mobile phones Still nearly 600 views in a few hours so thankful - Astrofx Team. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade. Sorry for any problems anybody encountered watching our latest Vlog Due to some copyright of music you MUST watch it on your laptopdesktop, having issues with mobile phones Still nearly 600 views in a few hours so thankful - Astrofx Team. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Maserati R8 Supercars USDCAD wrap up 200 PIPS posted this week. Again posted for free with a detailed breakdown. Hope everybody has enjoyed the content delivered from AstroFx throughout the year 2015 Lots more to come from ourselves we wish you the very best with your personal goals and desires, market. USDCAD wrap up 200 PIPS posted this week. Again posted for free with a detailed breakdown. Hope everybody has enjoyed the content delivered from AstroFx throughout the year 2015 Lots more to come from ourselves amp we wish you the very best with your personal goals and desires, market related or not. skills that are worth having take time Please understand that The game of FX is not a quick fix amp requires the ability to view things in a different light to many others in the world. email160protected for more information on our technical services. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom So first weeks trading of 2016 First position LongBuy on EURUSD at the start of the week up to 1.0922 locking in 180 PIPs after being stopped out -80 on the initial first LongBuy trade. Had two shorts Sell Trades on GBPUSD since Wednesday (83 67) Pips profit also locked. Currently have. So first weeks trading of 2016 First position LongBuy on EURUSD at the start of the week up to 1.0922 locking in 180 PIP039s after being stopped out -80 on the initial first LongBuy trade. Had two shorts Sell Trades on GBPUSD since Wednesday (83 67) Pips profit also locked. Currently have one position on GBPAUD. Finishing the week 250Pips in profit, banking in over 3,400 profit. Bring on week 2 - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Maserati R8 Supercars Lovely Monday, shame about the weather. New student in the office today from Coventry with very little experience however he is picking everything up very well so far. Meanwhile. Nothing but positivity delivered from the markets in week two of 2016 trading. GBPUSD treating us well. Lovely Monday, shame about the weather. New student in the office today from Coventry with very little experience however he is picking everything up very well so far. Meanwhile. Nothing but positivity delivered from the markets in week two of 2016 trading. GBPUSD treating us well today. A nice bounce from 1.4500 support. Open positions running with a potential upside target of 1.4700. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom HEY TRADERS NEW VIDEO ALERT Just finished uploading our latest video and it is undoubtedly one of our BEST In this video we decided to tackle a crucial topic, which many individuals find difficult to grasp: The Monetary System The Federal Reserve. Its insane that the majority of. HEY TRADERS NEW VIDEO ALERT Just finished uploading our latest video and it is undoubtedly one of our BEST In this video we decided to tackle a crucial topic, which many individuals find difficult to grasp: The Monetary System amp The Federal Reserve. It039s insane that the majority of the population are unaware of how money in the world is issued and why interest rates go up or down. In any economy these important factors change the price of your living, your spending and even the house that you live in now - VIDEO IS UP Check it out. Youtube Channel - Astrofx---- Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks thefederalreserve A student from Chicago, United States required a Skype lesson which fits around his work schedule. So here I am at 1.30am from my living room After almost 45 minutes we have had a great chat and we were able to set up his charts and provide him with some trading advice tips. Now its off to sleep. A student from Chicago, United States required a Skype lesson which fits around his work schedule. So here I am at 1.30am from my living room After almost 45 minutes we have had a great chat and we were able to set up his charts and provide him with some trading advice amp tips. Now it039s off to sleep for me astroforex You invest, We put in the work Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade LivingroomTrading U. S session lets go For all enquiries about the services of AstroFx. Please shoot us an email or visit our website: AstroFXc Direct messages are becoming a little hectic to deal with. Have a great day Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis. U. S session lets go For all enquiries about the services of AstroFx. Please shoot us an email or visit our website: AstroFXc Direct messages are becoming a little hectic to deal with. Have a great day Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks Do we have any Astrofx fans in HongKong . See you Thursday Hopefully making the best Vlogs and videos for you guys - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Trade2Travel Do we have any Astrofx fans in HongKong . See you Thursday Hopefully making the best Vlogs and videos for you guys - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Trade2Travel When Astrofx land in HongKong. Team Blue Is Out . Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips HongKong When Astrofx land in HongKong. Team Blue Is Out . . Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips HongKong Trading from the balcony overlooking Amsterdam . --- Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom. Trading from the balcony overlooking Amsterdam . --- Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom forextrading Roadtrip Snapchat Amsterdam Always ALWAYS praise success and accomplishment of others. If you guys remember Adrian Aka 7 bagsaweek, which is our Astrofx student whom we have a great YouTube interview with available for you guys to watch Hes just brought this lovely Bentley GT. Its possible, write it down . Always ALWAYS praise success and accomplishment of others. If you guys remember Adrian Aka quot7 bagsaweekquot, which is our Astrofx student whom we have a great YouTube interview with available for you guys to watch He039s just brought this lovely Bentley GT. It039s possible, write it down amp invest in yourself amp work your ASS off. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere ASTROTIP: SIDEWAYS P. A. Recognising a Sideways Market As a trader you must be proficient in spotting and trading the different types of markets. The market can move in one of two ways, these are trending or sideways, which is also known as a range bound market. In comparison to a trending. ASTROTIP: SIDEWAYS P. A. Recognising a Sideways Market As a trader you must be proficient in spotting and trading the different types of markets. The market can move in one of two ways, these are trending or sideways, which is also known as a range bound market. In comparison to a trending market (in which you will find HH, HL, LH or LL039s), a sideways market will not possess these features. So, if you do find yourself frantically unable to spot any of the above mentioned characteristics then you my friend are staring at a range bound consolidating market Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks A huge thank you to all those who have watched and supported our latest YouTube video In less than 24 hours we have received almost 1000 views. We are proud to have taken something which can seem so difficult to understand and break it down for you guys to comprehend and enjoy More videos. A huge thank you to all those who have watched and supported our latest YouTube video In less than 24 hours we have received almost 1000 views. We are proud to have taken something which can seem so difficult to understand and break it down for you guys to comprehend and enjoy More videos are coming real soon The link is in the bio if you have not yet watched it. Like share and Enjoy email160protected - Snapchat Amannatt - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Youtube Astrofx A student from Chicago, United States required a Skype lesson which fits around his work schedule. So here I am at 1.30am from my living room After almost 45 minutes we have had a great chat and we were able to set up his charts and provide him with some trading advice tips. Now its off to sleep. A student from Chicago, United States required a Skype lesson which fits around his work schedule. So here I am at 1.30am from my living room After almost 45 minutes we have had a great chat and we were able to set up his charts and provide him with some trading advice amp tips. Now it039s off to sleep for me You invest, We put in the work - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Livingroomytrading UktoUsa Driving by and happened to spot one of our students sam92moore. Had to pull over and have a catch up with him and see how his trading is coming along I was pleased to find that his analysis and trades matched ours nicely. Check out his beautiful blue machine alongside ours - Astrofx forex. Driving by and happened to spot one of our students sam92moore. Had to pull over and have a catch up with him and see how his trading is coming along I was pleased to find that his analysis and trades matched ours nicely. Check out his beautiful blue machine alongside ours - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Blues Always a incredible feeling knowing you have made a difference in your students. Many sometimes worry before coming in if they need prior knowledgeexperience or even if they will absorb all of our information. However nearly 2 years in the mentoring side of trading and we maintain a 100. Always a incredible feeling knowing you have made a difference in your students. Many sometimes worry before coming in if they need prior knowledgeexperience or even if they will absorb all of our information. However nearly 2 years in the mentoring side of trading and we maintain a 100 satisfaction rate unlike most others we post our students, faces and successes and can tag them because we are confident in their ability to represent Astroforex. Shoutout to all our students in the UK amp worldwide . Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade So in two days myself and a friend will be going on a MASSIVE road trip in his beautiful gloss blue Aston Martin . London heading towards Amsterdam and anywhere else we can find Will be Vlogging the trip and of course trading on the go . - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange. So in two days myself and a friend will be going on a MASSIVE road trip in his beautiful gloss blue Aston Martin . London heading towards Amsterdam and anywhere else we can find Will be Vlogging the trip and of course trading on the go . - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom learnforex priceaction forextrading Roadtrip WORKING WEDNESDAY Brilliant feeling watching people place their first real trade with full technical analysis applied. We have just broke down USDJPY with support being broken, with a mid-long term target. By applying a risk-reward of 1-3.3, this enables our students to understand. WORKING WEDNESDAY Brilliant feeling watching people place their first real trade with full technical analysis applied. We have just broke down USDJPY with support being broken, with a mid-long term target. By applying a risk-reward of 1-3.3, this enables our students to understand the checklist and trading plan each and EVERY DAY Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere WORKING WEDNESDAY Brilliant feeling watching people place their first real trade with full technical analysis applied. We have just broke down USDJPY with our keylevel being broken, with a mid-long term target. By applying a risk-reward of 1-3.3, this enables our students to understand. WORKING WEDNESDAY Brilliant feeling watching people place their first real trade with full technical analysis applied. We have just broke down USDJPY with our keylevel being broken, with a mid-long term target. By applying a risk-reward of 1-3.3, this enables our students to understand the checklist and trading plan each and EVERY DAY Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere EURUSD - Long buy trade potential if we get a break and close above: 1.1245 H4 50 Fib has been rejected and we are anticipating a new H4 Higher High to form. Above and beyond 1.1345. For all students who turned up on sunday - you guys know why this potential is lining up. Glad handel. EURUSD - Long buy trade potential if we get a break and close above: 1.1245 H4 50 Fib has been rejected and we are anticipating a new H4 Higher High to form. Above and beyond 1.1345. For all students who turned up on sunday - you guys know why this potential is lining up. Happy trading Trade Safe Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks One of our students Jon telling me about the nice 3200 profit hes banked using correct risk management He came to us pretty much brand new to the market and seeing him evolve and just work hard has been amazing Here is a screen shot of our convo with him dropping jewels of advice. Astrofx. One of our students Jon telling me about the nice 3200 profit he039s banked using correct risk management He came to us pretty much brand new to the market and seeing him evolve and just work hard has been amazing Here is a screen shot of our convo with him dropping jewels of advice. Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade student Part 1- Posted b Ryan, one of our international students from Miami, Florida. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Part 1- Posted b Ryan, one of our international students from Miami, Florida. - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Another week of 2016, Another student Today we are with Sam introducing him to the world of Japanese candle sticks Candlesticks are the purest form of price action, providing a visual picture of the occurrences within the market. Although the signals on a candle chart are the equivalent. Another week of 2016, Another student Today we are with Sam introducing him to the world of Japanese candle sticks Candlesticks are the purest form of price action, providing a visual picture of the occurrences within the market. Although the signals on a candle chart are the equivalent to those of a bar chart, candle charts hold much more reliability and are able to visually align your thoughts. Email email160protected or Astrofxc To start getting your piece from the market - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom forextrading USDCAD. Late Novembers post. Great to see A, B,C, D Fib extension complete. Highly accurate. Email email160protected or Astrofxc To start getting your piece from the market - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst. USDCAD. Late Novembers post. Great to see A, B,C, D Fib extension complete. Highly accurate. Email email160protected or Astrofxc To start getting your piece from the market - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom forextrading Technical Tuesday Volume 41 is now LIVE - The Fate Of GBPUSD This week we discuss the possible near future fate of the pound sterling. From talks about a Brexit to the technical levels you need to know WATCH NOW (Link In Bio) Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange. Technical Tuesday Volume 41 is now LIVE - quotThe Fate Of GBPUSDquot This week we discuss the possible near future fate of the pound sterling. From talks about a quotBrexitquot to the technical levels you need to know WATCH NOW (Link In Bio) Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Youtube Brexit XAUUSD SEEMS TO BE A NICE SHORT OPPORTUNITY AFTER LAST FRIDAYS BEARISH ENGULFING FORMATION ALONGSIDE SLIGHT BEARISH DIVERGENCE WITH A REJECTION FROM THE 1280 RESISTANCE. THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR GOLD TO HAVE MADE A LOWER HIGH ON THE WEEKLY AS LONG AS THE METAL STAYS FIRMLY BELOW 1280-1290. XAUUSD SEEMS TO BE A NICE SHORT OPPORTUNITY AFTER LAST FRIDAYS BEARISH ENGULFING FORMATION ALONGSIDE SLIGHT BEARISH DIVERGENCE WITH A REJECTION FROM THE 1280 RESISTANCE. THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR GOLD TO HAVE MADE A LOWER HIGH ON THE WEEKLY AS LONG AS THE METAL STAYS FIRMLY BELOW 1280-1290. I DON039T WANT TO GET TOO CAUGHT UP IN THE BULLISH GOLD RUSH JUST YET AS I STILL SEE FURTHER DOWNSIDE BEYOND 1080 PER OZ BEFORE THE REAL BUYING FORCES ITS WAY THROUGH ANYWAY. NICE 1:2 RISK REWARD POTENTIAL HERE. TRADE SAFE AND HAVE A PROSPEROUS WEEK AHEAD. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks ASTROTIP: Upward Trend Higher Lows (HL) - So every time the market is in a upwards trend it will create a higher high, but then retrace and come back to establish a HIGHER LOW. Higher Highs (HH) - Each time the market swings higher, it will often retrace to to form a higher low, before rallying. ASTROTIP: Upward Trend Higher Lows (HL) - So every time the market is in a upwards trend it will create a higher high, but then retrace and come back to establish a HIGHER LOW. Higher Highs (HH) - Each time the market swings higher, it will often retrace to to form a higher low, before rallying in order to establish a new HIGHER HIGH. Downward Trend Lower Highs (LH) - As the market is now in a downwards trend it will continue to push lower, before having to retrace back up, the swing it leaves before coming back down is the LOWER HIGH. Lower Lows (LL) - Then of course as it pushes back lower, it needs to break the past the prior Lower Low to create a new one A continuation of the bearish momentum. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks We know everything cant be perfect the first time around and our media team decided to surprise us with some hilarious and embrassing outtakes. Here is just part 1 of many funny moments with the team. ENJOY - (Link in BIO) Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading. We know everything cant be perfect the first time around and our media team decided to surprise us with some hilarious and embrassing outtakes. Here is just part 1 of many funny moments with the team. ENJOY - (Link in BIO) Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Outtakes Bloopers Comedy Workfromanywhere What do you guys think. Here is a an example of students work today by Rubel Sam. They were both fairly new to the market with no prior experience with any technical analysis. After setting up their charts and spending hours talking them through step by step examples they are able to produce. What do you guys think. Here is a an example of students work today by Rubel amp Sam. They were both fairly new to the market with no prior experience with any technical analysis. After setting up their charts and spending hours talking them through step by step examples they are able to produce this BRILLIANT AUDUSD analysis. A great example of being able to start something new with no experience and trying your hardest and being able to absorb new information and skills. Skills that can change your life for the better. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Another satisfied student samwmz . Joins the more than 40 testimonials on our website Faces included . We remain one of VERY few educationmentorship providers out here that share photos and videos with our students, tag them on social media Thats how confident and proud. Another satisfied student samwmz . Joins the more than 40 testimonials on our website Faces included. We remain one of VERY few educationmentorship providers out here that share photos and videos with our students, tag them on social media That039s how confident and proud we are. Interested Email email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Good day or bad day, good week or bad week. Even good month or bad months. Dont Quit Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade. Good day or bad day, good week or bad week. Even good month or bad months. Don039t Quit Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Noquit One of our students Jon telling me about the nice 3200 profit hes banked using correct risk management He came to us pretty much brand new to the market and seeing him evolve and just work hard has been amazing Here is a screen shot of our convo with him dropping jewels of advice. Astrofx. One of our students Jon telling me about the nice 3200 profit he039s banked using correct risk management He came to us pretty much brand new to the market and seeing him evolve and just work hard has been amazing Here is a screen shot of our convo with him dropping jewels of advice. Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade student WOW. Skillset :D One for the doubters. Doubt this lol target hit to the absolute PIP. predicting the future lol. say no more email160protected Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis. WOW. Skillset :D One for the doubters. Doubt this lol target hit to the absolute PIP. predicting the future lol. say no more email160protected Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom learnforex priceaction forextrading Repost shaunleefx13 EURUSD H4 catchup. Surprised at todays slip. was anticipating a short boost from the 1.0800 SUPP level. yes it fell through my support and here is the roundup. Even though we slipped, I am still not convinced this is going down. especially below 1.0500. Repost shaunleefx13 EURUSD H4 catchup.. Surprised at todays slip. was anticipating a short boost from the 1.0800 SUPP level. yes it fell through my support and here is the roundup. Even though we slipped, I am still not convinced this is going down. especially below 1.0500 monthly supp. The month of December printed a bullish hint of upside reversal. and I have just caught this on the 61.8 C-Retracement (FIB SUPP) level. which is generally a point for a false move before a substantial rebound. If we get a reversal from this zone we may see a sudden bullish burst through 1.1000 and beyond (to FIB D) We have seen this movement before on the EURUSD when I predicted the sudden 1.1700 Fib boost around 3 months ago. Lets see. Journal your wins, losses and MOVE ON - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Always fantastic to see our students snapchat their success. Shoutout to Mills (Uk student) Utkash (Non-UK) - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education. Always fantastic to see our students snapchat their success . Shoutout to Mills (Uk student) amp Utkash (Non-UK) - Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom forextrading Only those who play win. Only those who risk win. History favors risk-takers. Forgets the timid. Everything else is commentary - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education. Only those who play win. Only those who risk win. History favors risk-takers. Forgets the timid. Everything else is commentary - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom Maserati R8 Supercars In the middle of shooting our most recent YouTube Video. The monetary System the Federal Reserve. Discussing Interest rates, Inflation, The Workings of the central banks and the Cycle of money. we are aiming to have this video complete for you guys tomorrow evening. This video is for. In the middle of shooting our most recent YouTube Video. The monetary System amp the Federal Reserve. Discussing Interest rates, Inflation, The Workings of the central banks and the Cycle of money. we are aiming to have this video complete for you guys tomorrow evening. This video is for those who aspire to understand money properly and exactly why the price of your bread and your milk will always rise all the way to if it is a good idea to borrow money at this point in time or even in the near future . - Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Youtube Weback Step 1: Analyse your set currency pairs and break down the best 12 to trade Step 2: place the trades with stop loss and target in alignment with professional analysis. Step 3: grow some balls and hold the trade Step 4: be grateful with what the market gives, close trades at your defined. Step 1: Analyse your set currency pairs and break down the best 12 to trade Step 2: place the trades with stop loss and target in alignment with professional analysis. Step 3: grow some balls and hold the trade Step 4: be grateful with what the market gives, close trades at your defined key levels target confluences Step 5: Withdraw a portion of your profits Step 6: Live to fight another day. The potential to earn in this market is limitless. Invest in your education, Believe in yourself and do not stop. Success is often just around the corner. 5Kday Withdrawals Nodemo Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks Breaking down GBPUSD with a student. Daily bearish Fibonacci retracement with a potential for the pair to make new lows on the daily TF. 1.3600 as suggested in our last TechnicalTuesday video. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries. Breaking down GBPUSD with a student. Daily bearish Fibonacci retracement with a potential for the pair to make new lows on the daily TF. 1.3600 as suggested in our last TechnicalTuesday video. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade to trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks At the start of a traders journey it can be so easy to get bamboozled by a tonne of indicators. The impression that more is always better and (due to the foreign exchange market being so complex) that the tools we use must mirror the activities of solving complex mathematic equations as if we. At the start of a traders journey it can be so easy to get bamboozled by a tonne of indicators. The impression that more is always better and (due to the foreign exchange market being so complex) that the tools we use must mirror the activities of solving complex mathematic equations as if we need to locate a future earth like planet. However, as many of you may be able to relate to. Absorbing all of these fragmented methods often leads to traders chasing their own tails in the hopes of achieving the upper leg on what really boils down to a solid plan, analytical structure and a relaxed psyche Believe it or not, to achieve profitability. Less is actually more With all businesses, going back to the drawing board is key in order to eventually step forward and experience solid progression. Here we have be chart setup which today039s student was battling the market with and as you can see. The simple price action variables have been masked and neglected due to an overcrowding of unnecessary tools The story usually goes. When one indicator does not work after a few weeks the next one is pulled upfront and studied. When failure is met its then onto the next This mess will only have you pulling your hair out in frustration and may often lead to a lack of hope and a dent to ones confidence. Keep it smart, structured and simple Repeat, repeat, repeat until clarity comes forth Scrap the mess and focus on the secrets in plain sight. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks At the start of a traders journey it can be so easy to get bamboozled by a tonne of indicators. The impression that more is always better and (due to the foreign exchange market being so complex) that the tools we use must mirror the activities of solving complex mathematic equations as if we. At the start of a traders journey it can be so easy to get bamboozled by a tonne of indicators. The impression that more is always better and (due to the foreign exchange market being so complex) that the tools we use must mirror the activities of solving complex mathematic equations as if we need to locate a future earth like planet. However, as many of you may be able to relate to. Absorbing all of these fragmented methods often leads to traders chasing their own tails in the hopes of achieving the upper leg on what really boils down to a solid plan, analytical structure and a relaxed psyche Believe it or not, to achieve profitability. Less is actually more With all businesses, going back to the drawing board is key in order to eventually step forward and experience solid progression. Here we have be chart setup which today039s student was battling the market with and as you can see. The simple price action variables have been masked and neglected due to an overcrowding of unnecessary tools The story usually goes. When one indicator does not work after a few weeks the next one is pulled upfront and studied. When failure is met its then onto the next This mess will only have you pulling your hair out in frustration and may often lead to a lack of hope and a dent to ones confidence. Keep it smart, structured and simple Repeat, repeat, repeat until clarity comes forth Scrap the mess and focus on the secrets in plain sight. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks Interested. For further information content, schedule, times prices please get in touch via phone number or even email email160protected . Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis. Intresserad. For further information content, schedule, times amp prices please get in touch via phone number or even email email160protected . Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Onespace Quick little 60second video showing an example of our before and after analysis. This example is USDCAD posted 3rd May highlighting the longbuy scenario with potential targets and stop loss. This is not a signal just a breakdown of a potential trade which our students can combined with. Quick little 60second video showing an example of our before and after analysis. This example is USDCAD posted 3rd May highlighting the longbuy scenario with potential targets and stop loss. This is not a signal just a breakdown of a potential trade which our students can combined with our education can enter and exit their own will. We do the hard work for our students to do their own work Please not members is not sold separately before you ask it039s exclusive and has been for nearly two years just for our students. This is because we know that one can simply not follow blindly and needs the correct tools to make the correct trade decisions and executions. To become a student fire over an email to email160protected Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade Noquit Dont forget to follow us on Twitter AstroFx13PRO EURUSD - 3 Month High today USDCAD - 3 month low today Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange. Don039t forget to follow us on Twitter EURUSD - 3 Month High today USDCAD - 3 month low today Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks AUDUSD Recently retested the 0.7550 area as support and has held firmly above alongside printing a bullish continuation pattern (Prior Week) 0.7780 is the immediate weekly area of resistance - The expectation lies in a break of this key zone with a medium term bullish take profit zone. AUDUSD Recently retested the 0.7550 area as support and has held firmly above alongside printing a bullish continuation pattern (Prior Week) 0.7780 is the immediate weekly area of resistance - The expectation lies in a break of this key zone with a medium term bullish take profit zone at the 0.7820 area with a potential for a pullback to re-test the bullish (Daily) ascending Trendline. Serious about learning the art of technical analysis Send us an email for all enquiries UK and Non-UK based email160protected Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance Howmoneyworks Nothing can stop me, Astro all the way up Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Nothing can stop me, Astro all the way up Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere You dont have to be super clever to get to where you want in life. You dont have to be stupendously rich. You just need to put 100 effort into whatever it is that you want to achieve and youll get there eventually. As the title of this post states, if you want results badly enough, youll get. You dont have to be super clever to get to where you want in life. You dont have to be stupendously rich. You just need to put 100 effort into whatever it is that you want to achieve and youll get there eventually. As the title of this post states, if you want results badly enough, youll get out what you put in. We are big believers in taking small steps forward and never stopping to look back. We working towards some goals right now and each one requires action and effort from us. If we do nothing about these goals, then quite simply nothing will get done To put 100 effort into something requires enthusiasm for the task in hand of course. You have to want something so badly that youll do what it takes. How much effort are you putting in to achieve your goals right now shaunleefx13 - Repost astroforex Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Regrann In todays communist-style, centrally planned world, when big central bankers meet and make decisions, no matter how small, markets quake and currencies shake. And thats what just happened. Bankers at both the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan met in the last 12 hours to decide where. In today039s communist-style, centrally planned world, when big central bankers meet and make decisions, no matter how small, markets quake and currencies shake. And that039s what just happened. Bankers at both the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan met in the last 12 hours to decide where they would take monetary policy next. But when they sat down to make decisions, they were faced with a classic prisoner039s dilemma: Options were precluded. There was a lot they wanted to do but little they could do. Both the Fed and the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and the European Central Bank (ECB) as well, want to debase their respective currencies. But each wants the other to take the plunge first. The Fed has been the least reluctant to announce easing in the past. And even Wednesday, after moving toward a tightening stance, the Fed remains vocal about potential loosening. The ECB and BoJ are more circumspect. BoJ governor Haruhiko Kurodas is standing pat - thus betting a stronger yen won039t damage business momentum. He039s obviously hoping a recovering US economy will generate a tighter US monetary policy and reduce the strength of the yen. This Jubilee year especially, its all downhill for paper currency. Less and less value. And thats why I wrote that Yellen wasnt going to raise rates. And, yes, as you know, the Fed has just announced it is too scared to increase rates by another 0.25 or it may implode the entire financial and monetary system. Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you. I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hm You know what I noticed Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even. quotYou were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you. I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hm You know what I noticed Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blowing up, nobody panics because its all part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. Im an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos, its fairquot - The Joker Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis fundamentalanalysis charts fibonacci education learntotrade pips profit finance financialfreedom forextrading Sometimesyougottobethebadguy Batman Joker You dont have to be super clever to get to where you want in life. You dont have to be stupendously rich. You just need to put 100 effort into whatever it is that you want to achieve and youll get there eventually. As the title of this post states, if you want results badly enough, youll get. You dont have to be super clever to get to where you want in life. You dont have to be stupendously rich. You just need to put 100 effort into whatever it is that you want to achieve and youll get there eventually. As the title of this post states, if you want results badly enough, youll get out what you put in. We are big believers in taking small steps forward and never stopping to look back. We working towards some goals right now and each one requires action and effort from us. If we do nothing about these goals, then quite simply nothing will get done To put 100 effort into something requires enthusiasm for the task in hand of course. You have to want something so badly that youll do what it takes. How much effort are you putting in to achieve your goals right now Astrofx forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader analysis analyst technicalanalysis charts learntotrade pips Letswork Students Knowledge Workfromanywhere Spend your weekends sitting back chilling or working planning. Results will reflect Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader learntotrade Spend your weekends sitting back amp chilling or working amp planning. Results will reflect Astrofx swingtrader forex fx foreignexchange trade trading trader learntotradeForex trading strategy for intraday trading the EurUsd based on leading price and time signals. This a specialized daily forex trading market timing advisory for intraday trading the EurUsd is for experienced forex traders based on my proprietary planetary price and time indicators. Du får dagliga planetariska stöd och motståndsnivåer och planettider för viktiga vändpunkter eller omkastningar för EURUSD. You wait for planetary price and time to come together using a 4 or 5 minute time frame to buy or sell. The general guidelines for this forex trading strategy is: If price is trending lower and reaches a key planetary support level, you enter the trade using an entry technique, buying within a few minutes of my key times listed. If price is trending higher, you would be looking to sell. If price is in a trading range, you can buy or sell the break out of the range if it occurs at a key planetary time period. Your risk per trade is pre-defined by the support or resistance level where the market turned at the key time. Detta tillvägagångssätt för Forex Market Timing och Forex Trading strategi kommer kraftigt öka dina sannolikheter och antal vinnande affärer bättre än att använda samma lags tekniska indikatorer som alla andra näringsidkare i världen använder. Put time on your side and get a very unique trading edge The key planetary support and resistance levels are sent to you for the EURUSD including the key reversal days of the week and key reversal times and turning points during the 8220power hours of 8AM 8211 12PM, eastern time when both the London and New York exchanges are open. The monthly rate for this specialized daily forex market timing service and forex trading strategy sent via e-mail every trading day is 299mo. Here is a recent testimonial from one of the professional traders using my daily forex service. 8220I have been trading for the better part of 12.5 years. Within that time I have read numerous book, reports and lectures, back tested quantums, and still lacked that little bit that put you in the small percentage that places you in the front of the pack. Teds method of price and time is one that cannot be duplicated and one of true value in this market. It allows a trader confidence in his position when coupled with a technical analysis and entryexit method that I have yet to find or experience until now. My opinion is built around real-time experience as a professional trader and equity curve analysis. That is why I can say that taking a different path, incorporating time as the paramount trigger, gave me the edge to increase my equity curve on a consistent basis that I have never seen before.8221 Shane F. Former floor clerktrader, Lubbock, TX Weekly Overview: Monday is a banking holiday for the forex markets. Key weekly planetary resistance is now at 1.1096 this week. A break out above 1.1096 is needed for a new buy signal to higher levels. Key weekly planetary support is now 1.1000 8211 0960. A break of 1.0960 is another sell signal for a move to lower levels. The 1.0870 weekly planetary support level is likely to be strong if tested for another turn around higher this week. Another bottom andor turn around up is likely to begin again this week. The trend is down in the monthly time frame. Trenden är uppe i veckotiden. The trend began to turn down in the daily time for the EurUsd. This week8217s key planetary resistance levels for the EurUsd are: 1.1096, 1.1230, 1.1320 8211 1360, 1.1448. This week8217s key planetary support levels for the EurUsd are now: 1.1000 8211 0960, 1.0870, 1.0820 8211 0780, 1.0730. (Dessa stödnummer blir motstånd och motståndsnummer blir stöd om det är trasigt.) Nyckelvändningsdagar eller vändpunkter: tisdag onsdag fredag. Wednesday8217s commentary and outlook: The EurUsd reached the strong 0870 weekly level on Tuesday8217s downturn and is consolidating above this key level. Detta är viktigt stöd för att hålla idag för en tur upp igen. Key planetary resistance is now at 0910 8211 0920. A break out above 0920 is needed to confirm a low may have completed and to show more strength for a new buy signal. De planetära motståndsnumren på onsdagen för EURUSD kommer sannolikt att ligga inom några få pips av dessa nyckelnivåer: 0910 8211 0920, 0936, 0960 8211 1000 (stark), 1024, 1042 8211 1056, 1096 (stark). The planetary support numbers for Wednesday for the EURUSD are likely to be within a few pips of these key levels: 0870 (retest), 0844, 0820 8211 0780 (strong), 0756, 0730 (strong). (I have left the 822018221 out at the beginning of the numbers for convenience. For example, 1.1175 is 1175) (I have included approximately a 350 pip range of SR levels from the highest to the lowest). These support numbers become resistance and resistance numbers become support if broken.) The strongest trade setups occur when price is at one of the daily planetary support or resistance levels at one of the key times indicated during the day. The most important key times on Wednesday to watch for reversals, (if price is trending higher or lower and reaches a planetary support or resistance level), or break-outs, (if price is in a trading range), are usually at or within a few minutes of these times listed below. Some times are listed as 8220strong8221 or 8220very strong8221 in terms of planetary energy. However, any key time may trigger a significant reversal or change in trend when 8220price and time8221 come together during the day. All times listed are in eastern time. Today8217s key 8220astro-times8221 for trading are: 08:19AM, 08:32, 08:41 (strong), 09:05, 09:17, 09:34 (strong), 09:48 8211 09:54, 10:11, 10:26, 10:48 8211 10:53, 11:09, 11:32 (strong), 11:50, 12:06 8211 12:10PM. Daily key times are listed for the 8220power hours8221 for forex trading from 8:00AM 8211 12PM, eastern time when both the London and New York exchanges are open at the same time. För de här nyckeltiderna och tilläggstiderna med realtidsalarm som konverteras till din tidszon kan du också besöka astrotimer för en gratis två veckors försök. Good trading to you, T. S. Phillips Astro Advisory Services, Inc. AstroAdvisor Disclaimer and Nondisclosure: This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. This report is for informational purposes only. T. S. Phillips och Astro Advisory Services, Inc. lämnar inte några handelsråd. Past forecasting accuracy is not indicative of future forecasting results or trading profits. This report contains information and trade secrets based on the research of T. S. Phillips. All the information you receive is not be reproduced in any way whatsoever or disclosed to any third party. The purpose of this report is to inform and report, not to mislead. It is for your own personal use only. Therefore, you are responsible for your own activities in the stock, forex, or commodity markets. Any such activity is solely your own responsibility if you choose to be active in the markets and you realize that trading involves high risk. Copyright 2015, T. S. Phillips, Astro Advisory Services, Inc. Jag brukar göra min analys efter att marknaden stängs varje dag och din dagliga rapport skickas vanligtvis på eftermiddagen eller kvällarna senast klockan 08:00, Stilla havet. If on some occasions you do not receive your report by the evening, it should always be sent to you at least an hour before the opening bell. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to e-mail or call me. Jag rekommenderar att du alltid handlar marknaderna, inte en prognos. It is crucial that you have a technical system that defines your risk per trade, entry and exit points. Your technical tools will always confirm whether or not a daily bias is likely to be on target. Always use stop losses and risk only a certain percentage of capital per trade. My forecasting service will give you a powerful edge, increase your probabilities and percentages of winning trades, and can greatly improve your results. Your part is to manage the risk, use stops, take profits at targets, use trailing stops once a trend is established, and have good technical tools that confirm the daily bias, key reversal days and times of the day. My daily market timing service is for experienced, professional traders that are seeking to greatly enhance their trading results and puts the odds more dramatically in their favor for a change. I use a combination of many different techniques. What I do is an art as much as a science. Jag har väl över ett decennium hårt arbete, forskning och erfarenhet av att använda dessa planetary market timing tekniker. Technically speaking, I am always aware of the trend of the market in multiple time frames, monthly, weekly, daily, and 15 minute. The greater, slower time frames define the trend for the lower, faster time frames. The fastest time frame I use for my daily forecasts is the 15 minute bar chart. I also analyze the planetary transits to the 1st Trade chart for the stock indices or individual stock or commodity charts. Denna information är mycket avslöjande för förutbestämning av viktiga vändpunkter. The most accurate technique I use for timing is based on planetary price harmonics. I convert the planets longitude into its price equivalent and add price multiples based on the aspects or angles formed by the planets. Detta är en av de hemliga metoderna W. D. Gann som används. For example, if the longitude of the Sun is at 24 degrees of Aries and it is forming a sextile (60 degree) aspect to the planet Saturn, the price conversion of the Sun is 24 60 (for the 60 degree aspect) 84. If you keep adding these multiples of 60, you get 864 for the E-Mini. My software automatically makes these price conversions. When price forms a correct high or low at the planetary price harmonic at the time of the planetary aspect, reversals usually occur. The reversal days and times during the day are most likely to occur when planets form aspects (angles) to one another or when planets change signs or hit important degrees of the zodiac. De dagliga planetariska stöd - och motståndsnumren som jag tar med är baserade på de förändrade dagliga planetpositionerna och aspekterna som bildas. The key reversal days, the daily planetary support and resistance levels, and key times have a high probability and should be combined with your technical indicators for entry and exit points. The key times or planetary price levels when reached usually cause important turning points during each day. The strongest trade setups occur when price and time come together. Detta är en av mina största upptäckter för intraday timing som används i min dagliga e-mini s p-tidstjänst. When price is at one of my calculated planetary support or resistance levels at one of my calculated key times as well, this very often triggers a significant reversal or change in trend during the day If you get a buy or sell signal using one of your technical indicators and this also occurs at one of my key times or off a daily planetary support or resistance level, it usually is the real deal and a good trade opportunity as well. This is what puts the odds more in your favor than using only traditional technical analysis. J. E.R. Y. Seattle, WA I was a former Stock Broker for three decades, and now a full time trader. In 1991 Prudential trained me to become a trader. The head of Financial Futures trading at Prudential told me I would go through stages of trading. I have never met a person like Ted. He has told me on many, many occasions when the markets would turn to the very day and TIME. Like W. D. Gann said TIME is more important than Price and Volume. I have now become a firm believer in Teds TIMING service. I handel STRESS är något vi måste alla hantera. Prof. Holmes said the most stressful job was the job of a trader. When we know the TIME the markets will turn it truly reduces the STRESS. Yes, I believe in Teds TIMING service and think if you give it a try it may help your trading to be less STRESSFUL and more PROFITABLE. Your levels and times were just incredible today Your levels and times were just incredible today Watching and studying deeply. Thanks for all of your support. Financial Astrology Trading Your levels and times were just incredible today Watching and studying deeply. Thanks for all of your support. I wanted to thank you again8230 I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to add your timing and price levels to my current trading system. I found both the timing and support and resistance levels to be very accurate. Many thanks R. B. Centennial, WY Financial Astrology Trading R. B. Centennial, WY I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to add your timing and price levels to my current trading system. I found both the timing and support and resistance levels to be very accurate. Many thanks I had my most effortless and profitable day in quite some time Today was my first day applying your analysis from your Daily E-Mini Report. By using your timing guide in conjunction with a new system Ive been trying out, I had my most effortless and profitable day in quite some time. Thank you for putting this information in traders hands. Today was my first day applying your analysis from your Daily E-Mini Report. By using your timing guide in conjunction with a new system Ive been trying out, I had my most effortless and profitable day in quite some time. Thank you for putting this information in traders hands. Teds market timing system is INCREDIBLE I cannot tell you how easy it is to remove the noise and emotion when you are trading based on time as opposed to meaningless price fluctuations. As good as the timing system is, the personal transits charting is yet another powerful key to trading success. To know exactly when YOU should be in the market and when YOU Should be out based on YOUR personal chart is Priceless D. G. Pacific Palisades, CA I watch everyday in amazement at the accuracy of Teds daily support and resistance levels, most times they are like magnets in the markets. Thanks to Teds services, I know I will fulfill my ambition of being a very successful full-time trader. I would never trade without the daily price levels Ted provides. Thank you Ted I am not only more confident and productive, but also more relaxed I have been using your S P service for a couple months and I am very impressed. Your daily report with support and resistance numbers and key reversal times gives me a dependable roadmap for each day of trading. Because of this roadmap I am not only more confident and productive in my trading, but also a lot more relaxed during trading hours. Thanks for the excellent service. Financial Astrology Trading I have been using your S P service for a couple months and I am very impressed. Your daily report with support and resistance numbers and key reversal times gives me a dependable roadmap for each day of trading. Because of this roadmap I am not only more confident and productive in my trading, but also a lot more relaxed during trading hours. Thanks for the excellent service. The times given were almost 100 spot on Hi Ted, Just a short email to let you know that I am real impressed with your predictions . The times given were almost all 100 spot on If I can remember correctly, from the 28 times given, there was only ONE that had no trade and another that went sideways within 5 pips. Men sen nästa gång inträffade något jag handlade med FX heltid, bosatt i Thailand. J. P, Manhattan Beach, CA Being the head trader at a 500 million dollar hedge fund, it is important for our trading desk to have a sense of the pulse of the market. Although we are a fundamentally driven fund, in building large positions or selling large positions for the fund, we like to have a better idea of maybe how the market will react during the day. This has a huge impact on what times of day are critical for us to move large amounts of stock. The best system we use is Teds daily report. We will be more or less aggressive with positions depending on Teds recommended times during market hours. Dina nyckeltider är mördare för att säga det minsta jag har använt dina nyckeltider med Order Flow och de är mördare minst sagt. M. A. Clinton Township, MI Financial Astrology Trading M. A. Clinton Township, MI Ive been using your key times with Order Flow and they are killer to say the least. What Astrology Clients Say Teds insights and predictions soon removed any skepticism I had I first got in contact with Ted in 2010. At the time, I was open but skeptical with regards to astrology. Teds insights and predictions soon removed any skepticism I had. Ted has called events in my life to the day, months in advance. One instance was a property I had been trying to sell for 6 years, and yet Ted was able to give me a 2 day window, and in indeed the sale completed when he had forecast. There have been multiple such instances, so much so that as a professional Trader of some 16 years, Ted is now my go to guy in relation to anything financial and major in my life. Both he and his services are excellent D. A. Cedar Park, TX Astrology Consultation Services D. A. Cedar Park, TX I first got in contact with Ted in 2010. At the time, I was open but skeptical with regards to astrology. Teds insights and predictions soon removed any skepticism I had. Ted has called events in my life to the day, months in advance. One instance was a property I had been trying to sell for 6 years, and yet Ted was able to give me a 2 day window, and in indeed the sale completed when he had forecast. There have been multiple such instances, so much so that as a professional Trader of some 16 years, Ted is now my go to guy in relation to anything financial and major in my life. Both he and his services are excellent Accurately pinpointed the exact date of my marriage Ted accurately pinpointed the exact date of my marriage and later to the date of my divorce His insight is helpful and has always been accurate. He has continuously helped me to improve my life and move in a positive direction. L. C. Canoga Park, CA Amazing things are happening in my life. Totally unexpected, an opportunity opened up for me to relocate to the Kansas City area. You mentioned that K. C. was a good place for me with Jupiter on the IC and my Sun and Mars in the 5th trine the Ascendant. You mentioned that it was good for my artistic expression, love, and luck. aBut even more, you pointed out that it would be a good place for my writing and publishing which I plan on starting up again. Profitable business planning Our marketing Company has grossed more than 50 million in Taiwan thanks to your event planning Looking forward to a prosperous 1999. J. K. Monterey Park, CA K. L. San Francisco, CA Thank you so much for your incredible help. I am very impressed and grateful. Your talent, hard work, and professionalism are second to none. My only regret is that I didnt find you earlier I appreciate your sensitivity, honesty, and ability at the same time to thoroughly make clear an otherwise very complex subject. I have received horary readings from other good astrologers Ted8217s expertise exceeds anyone that I have consulted I have received horary readings from other good astrologers. Teds expertise exceeds anyone that I have consulted. His in-depth readings precisely answer a yes or no question with great detail and accuracy. Horary astrology is more than just reading a chart it is being able to interpret the subtle factors that may go overlooked. Teds interpretations have been completely accurate and I recommend him one hundred percent. K. F. Charlotte, NC

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